Course Information
Syllabus Listing
Art 6
Art 7
Relief Sculpture 8
Sculpture 8
Traditional Art 8
Gifted Support 6
Gifted Support 7
Gifted Support 8
Computer Education
Adv. Digital Communications 8
Adv. Applied Programming 8
Computers 6
Digital Citizenship 6
Digital Communications 7
Programming 7
ALS English 6
ALS English 7
ALS English 8
AS English 6
AS English 7
AS English 8
Core English 6
Core English 7
Extended Core English 6
Extended Core English 7
English: Traditional Core
English: Traditional Honors
English: Creative Writing Core
English: Creative Writing Honors
Family & Consumer Science
FCS 8 - Traditional
FCS 8 - Gardening & Sustainability
ALS Literacy 6
AS Literacy 6
Literacy 6
Algebra 1 Honors - 7th
Algebra 1 Honors - 8th
ALS Math 6
ALS Math 7
ALS Math 8
ALS Math Level E
ALS Pre-Algebra
AS Math 6
AS Math 8
Core Math 6
Core Math 7
Extended Core Math 6
Honors Geometry
LSS Math
Pre-Algebra 6
Pre-Algebra 7
Pre-Algebra 8
Traditional Algebra 1
Traditional Geometry
Beginner Guitar 7
Chorus & Vocal Ensemble
General Music 6
Intermediate Guitar 8
Music Keyboarding 6
Music Keyboarding 7
Music Keyboarding 8
Music Keyboarding Elective
Voice Singing 8
Non-Fiction Writing
ALS Non-Fiction Writing
AT Non-Fiction Writing
Non-Fiction Writing 7
Performing Arts
Physical Education/Health
Health 6
Health 7
Health 8
LSS Health
Physical Education 6
Physical Education 7
Physical Education 8
LSS Reading
Wilson Reading
ALS Science 8 - Level A
ALS Science 8 - Level B
ALS Science 8 - Level C
Core Physical Science 7
Earth Science 8
Ext. Core Physical Science 7
Life Science 6
LSS Science
Social Studies
AS Social Studies
LSS Social Studies
Social Studies 6
Social Studies 7 - Core
Social Studies 7 - Ext Core
Social Studies 8
Social Studies 8 - Honors
Technology & Engineering Education
3D Design & Robotic Engineering 6
Introduction to Wood Manufacturing Technologies 7
Inquiry and Design Engineering 8
Wood Manufacturing Technologies 8
World Languages
French 1
French Level 1 - 1A
French Level 1 - 1B
French 2
Language Exploratory
Spanish 1
Spanish 1A
Spanish 1B
Spanish 2
Patton Course Information
Important Dates 2024
Course Selection Information for Rising 7th & 8th Graders
- March 4 - Course Selection Presentation for 7th grade (Rising 8th) during Hawk Time
- March 6 - Course Selection Presentation for 6th grade (Rising 7th) during Hawk Time
- March 6 - Course Selection Night Webinar for parents @ 7:00pm
- March 11 - Course selection window open at 8am
- March 25 - Course selection window closes
Rising 7th & 8th Graders
UHS Course Information
Important Dates 2024
Mrs. Malone visited the 8th grade Geography classes last week to share information about high school course selection. On Monday during Hawk Time, 8th graders will attend a presentation by UHS students about high school elective courses. All students and parents are encouraged to attend Course Selection Night at UHS on February 8th 6-8pm.
Here are some important course selection dates and deadlines:
Things to remember when choosing courses:
- Carefully review course descriptions, course prerequisites, and departmental grade recommendations
- Communicate with parents, teachers, and counselor
- Consider academic strengths, weaknesses, and interests
- Review academic performance in middle school classes
- Reflect on demonstrated work habits and time management skills
- Review homework expectations for each course and realistically evaluate time demands from commitments and extracurricular activities
- Consider future educational and vocational goals
Feel free to reach out to Mrs. Malone with any questions (