Homework Guide
Helpful Tips for Providing Your Child Support With School Related Responsibilities at Home:
- Help your child plan out the available time he/she has to devote to homework, class review, and assessment preparation each day.
- Please provide your child with a consistent time and location to complete assignments. It is suggested that this location be supplied in advance with paper, a stapler, staples, tape, sticky notes, writing utensils, highlighters, a ruler, etc.
- Have your child file any loose papers he/she has in his/her binder(s).
- Ask your child if there are any papers that you need to see (permission slips, tests to sign, etc.). After completing any necessary paperwork, please remind your child to place these materials in their proper location in their binder(s).
- When your child arrives home at the end of the school day, please ask him/her to take out his/her school issued planner and develop a plan for homework that day. If clarification is needed on any assignment, have your child check Canvas.
- Ask your child if he/she has any long-term projects or assignments due. Have your child develop a plan for “chunking” the assignment (or breaking the assignments into small parts). Have your child record the step-by-step plan into his/her planner.
- Ask your child if he/she has any upcoming quizzes, tests, or other assessments. Have your child develop a plan for “chunking” assessment preparation.
- If your child does not have a written homework assignment for any class, please remind your child that he/she should devote five to ten minutes to reviewing what was discussed or taught in class that day.
- Provide your child with time to implement his/her homework, assessment preparation, class review, and long-term projects. It is suggested that students be provided with periodic breaks during this time.
- After your child has completed step 9, check in with your child to make certain the necessary jobs were completed. Ask your child if there is anything that you can do to help him/her be better prepared for school the next day.
- Take the time to “look ahead” with your child. Are there any helpful hints that can be recorded in the school issued planner to help your child plan for completing long-term assignments, or preparing for upcoming assessments? Be honest about what obstacles may get in your child’s efforts to be successful (extracurricular activities, family obligations, celebrations, etc). Try to plan accordingly. A family, or individual calendar is helpful to track events, and long-term assignments!
- Remind your child to place all necessary materials neatly in his/her binder(s), as SOON as they are finished with them.
- It is recommended that the students spend 1-2 hours on homework each evening, this includes reading and STUDYING. If your child is consistently spending more than two hours each evening to complete school related responsibilities, please contact your child’s team of teachers and make them aware of this concern.
- It is recommended that once a week you and your child sit down together to review progress and current grades on PowerSchool. It may be helpful to use this time as a time to reflect upon past assignments and assessments and to plan for the near future.
Please keep in mind that we recognize that you are our partners in ensuring your child’s success. We greatly appreciate the amount of time, effort, and energy you provide in supporting your child’s school related responsibilities. Please know that your efforts are very evident to us here at Charles F. Patton Middle School.