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Morning Drop-Off Procedures

Parents enter the Middle School campus via the access road across from Saint Michael’s Lutheran Church on Doe Run Road. The access road is one way moving from Doe Run Road to the cafeteria parking lot located on the northeast-facing side of the school.

A staff member will direct parents to the large white tent at the end of the access road in the cafeteria parking lot to drop off students. Parents are encouraged to proceed to the drop-off sign located at the end of the tent so that other vehicles have room to line up and drop off students.
After students are dropped off, a staff member will direct parents to exit the campus onto Rt. 82 where the crossing guard is stationed.

Drop-off begins at 7:25 AM. Students enter the school through the cafeteria entrance located by the white tent. There will be a staff member at the door to greet students when they arrive.

Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures

Parents picking up students at the end of the school day are to enter the Middle School campus via the access road located across from Saint Michael’s Lutheran Church on Doe Run Road. The access road is one way moving from Doe Run Road to the cafeteria parking lot located on the northeast-facing side of the school.

A staff member will direct parents to turn left when they reach the cafeteria parking lot, loop through the parking lot, and pick up students at the white tent. Due to safety concerns, students are not permitted to walk across the parking lot or walk along the access road during pick-up time.

After students are picked up, a staff member will direct parents to exit the campus onto Rt. 82 where the crossing guard is stationed.

Students are dismissed at 2:43 PM. A staff member will open the gate located at the Doe Run Road end of the access road at 2:15 PM each day. A brand new parking lot is located before the entrance gate where parents can park if they arrive before 2:15 PM. Students are not permitted to walk on the access road to the parking lot. The access road is a narrow, one-way road with no sidewalks or walking paths.