The District will now be using RevTrak as our new payment software for food service payments district-wide and for Chromebook fees at the middle school and high school. Below please find information that may assist you with this transition.
Why did we switch?
With RevTrak, parents will be able to log into their parent portal in PowerSchool to view their student’s lunch balance. SchoolCafe did not allow for this feature. Additionally, RevTrak only charges a 3.62% fee as opposed to SchoolCafe, which charged 5%.
With RevTrak, parents will be able to log into their parent portal in PowerSchool to view their student’s lunch balance. SchoolCafe did not allow for this feature. Additionally, RevTrak only charges a 3.62% fee as opposed to SchoolCafe, which charged 5%.
Where will I access my student’s account history and lunch preferences?
RevTrak is only a payment software. Parents will still need to use SchoolCafe to view account histories. Cafeteria staff continues to use SchoolCafe to view food restrictions, dietary needs, purchase history, and parent preferences. You will still be able to log in to SchoolCafe to edit these preferences and view nutrition analysis, allergy information, and menus. The only change is that payment will now go through RevTrak.
RevTrak is only a payment software. Parents will still need to use SchoolCafe to view account histories. Cafeteria staff continues to use SchoolCafe to view food restrictions, dietary needs, purchase history, and parent preferences. You will still be able to log in to SchoolCafe to edit these preferences and view nutrition analysis, allergy information, and menus. The only change is that payment will now go through RevTrak.
Can I pay for other district fees using RevTrak?
Right now, we are only using RevTrak for food service payments and Chromebook fees. This does not change how you currently pay for athletic and club participation fees and school taxes. In the future, we may use RevTrak for all fees and payments throughout the district. We think this will be a great convenience for our families.
Right now, we are only using RevTrak for food service payments and Chromebook fees. This does not change how you currently pay for athletic and club participation fees and school taxes. In the future, we may use RevTrak for all fees and payments throughout the district. We think this will be a great convenience for our families.
Do I have to use RevTrak?
You do not have to use RevTrak. You can always send in cash or a check and the cafeteria staff will apply it to your account. You may also bring your Chromebook fee in person during the first week of school. RevTrak is simply a convenience that you may choose to use.
What happened to my balance in SchoolCafe from last year?
If your student’s account carried a balance from last year, those funds remained in your student’s food service account and are now viewable through RevTrak. You can view your balance at or in your parent portal.
When will RevTrak be available?
RevTrak is available NOW! Please visit to set up your account. A convenient link can be found on the district website as well as on the Back to School webpages featured on each school’s homepage.
RevTrak is available NOW! Please visit to set up your account. A convenient link can be found on the district website as well as on the Back to School webpages featured on each school’s homepage.
How can I get started with RevTrak?
Visit and create your RevTrak account. Once your account is created you may click on your school and select Food Service Payments or Chromebook Fee. Please note, when you go to set up your payment, if you have multiple students, you will need to add each student individually with their student ID. During this time you may select to receive notifications, such as low balance alerts, as well as set an auto-replenish option. You will still need to visit SchoolCafe if you would like to make changes to your student’s lunch preferences. Staff will be available during Sneak-a-Peek and Back to School nights in the cafeteria should you need assistance with setting up your account.
Click here for a how-to guide on setting up your RevTrak account.
If you have any questions or issues using RevTrak, please email tech support at