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Patton News & Announcements

The Student Council is hosting a Dine-In/Take-Out fundraiser for MLK Day, partnering with Hood's BBQ on Jan. 29 from 4:00-8:00pm; diner's must reference the fundraiser at check out. All proceeds will be donated to the Kennett Underground Railroad Center.

All students are invited to enter the annual Holiday Card Design Contest! Winners will have their artwork featured on the front of the District’s holiday cards which will be mailed to all residents. Visit the Patton homepage for details on how to enter. Entries are due by December 13.

The AMC 8 math competition will take place on Friday, January 24th. It is a 40-minute, 25 question math competition that emphasizes creative problem solving.  The content is based on middle school level math.  If you're interested, please let Mr. Lewis know by December 13th.

Join Yoga After School At Patton, Wednesdays right after school until 3:45 PM. A new session begins Wednesday, 11/13. Join Yoga Instructor, Kelli Dougherty from Sunshine Yoga for a fun hour of yoga sequences, poses, games, calming techniques and relaxation. Questions and to register Kelli at

Join Patton Indoor Color Guard! Learn exciting routines, build teamwork and leadership skills, perform in front of enthusiastic crowds. Make lifelong friends and memories. Email Ms. Balbierer or visit her classroom for information about interest meetings and practices!

Our Fall Fundraiser for Kennett Area Community Services begins Monday. Donations will be accepted until Nov. 6 and donation bins are located in the Main Office, Cafeteria, and near the Events Entrance. 

Patton Orchestra invites you all to attend this year's Halloween Concert. There will be a costume competition, a Kahoot with prizes, and a fun surprise! Come out on October 30th at 7pm in Patton's Auditorium to see Rising Stars, Purple Orchestra, and Gold Orchestra perform some spooky songs!

Are you interested in joining a math competition against other schools, all across the country? If so, join Math Madness, which will take place this year during Friday clubs.  Please see Mr. Lewis with any questions or to sign up.

The Unionville Community Fair is looking for motivated young women to represent the fair as this year's Fair Queen and Fair Princess. Interested students can pick up the information packet in the office or go to Read more.

Two lunch changes for next week! Tuesday, September 3rd will be Asian Chicken and Fried Rice and Thursday, September 5th will be Turkey Pretzel Dog.

The Unionville Community Fair will take place on the grounds behind Landhope on October 4-6. This is their 100th anniversary, and they need student volunteers! Students may sign up to help with specific areas using the Sign-Up Genius. Visit or check your school email!

MathCounts competition program practice for this year is open to all grades 6-8 students now! Our practice meetings will be on each Friday from after school to 4 pm starting on September 27 through early February 2025. Please email MathCounts coach Shenshen Cai at by Friday, September 20 if you are interested.

Join us on August 28, from 6-7 pm in the Patton Auditorium as we will host our first-ever Patton Student Activities Night! Student activities include extracurricular activities, athletics, and performing arts  We encourage all students and parents to attend and learn about all of the opportunities we have for students outside of the classroom!

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